The Youseeme Application

Map & search

Locate all shops around you and find easily your favorite shops using the search bar


In the Account page, you get most information you submitted signing up, your expenses, your transactions, reload your wallet, the transfer,….

Transferring money

Refund a breakfast to a colleague, transfer on your bank account or pay a shopkeeper comes easily with the transfer functionality on Youseeme.

List & filter

List all the shops in your neighbourhood or filter them by profession.


No need to withdraw from distributor, use cash or credit card anymore. With Youseeme, it is possible to pay everything from our partners and your banking information will never be communicated. You can from now adopt mobile payment to ease your life.

Take a picture, to pay the bill

Click on the QR code icon (bottom right corner), you can take a picture of a ticket (for non-partners shops) or scan a QR code to pay.

Log in

the youseeme advantages

Web 3.0 payment

Get your Electronic Master card and E-wallet from our web site, send withdraw money and pay your merchants, you never leave your personal or payment information it is totally secured for you and payment is guaranty for your merchant.

Ease of user

You can quickly search partner shops thanks to the geolocalisation and your mobile application map. A single click on the icon, get its address with photos, products and Youseeme shows you the way to the shop.

Support your proximity shop

The best bakeries, the best pubs, the best restaurants, the best florists and many other addresses are selected and rated by you, because you are their customers and want to share your experience. Youseeme has the ambition to link us customers, to help us consume better, help us discover new good addresses.

A multi-shop fidelity card

Wallets are flooded by fidelity cards. Youseeme is the innovative solution which focus on customers and proximity shops. The key to the Youseeme application is a tablet fixed on the counter for the client or a mobile, the customer scans a QR to pay and earns rewarding points (called Yousy in Youseeme), each Yousy equals 1,00 Euro.